Getting down to what is essential 

In order to make an action as effortless as possible, it’s necessary to strip away anything extraneous.

 Many of us subconsciously engage non-essential muscles when moving that don’t serve the function of the movement as a whole body.

The first step to increasing efficiency is to become aware of these habits.

What we offer

1:1 assessment COACHING

The ideal choice if you want a personalized plan that is tailored to your goals and lifestyle.

in person and online LESSONS

Explore wellness principles on your own schedule through a variety of online lessons.


Workshops are for anyone who is curious, anyone who wants to learn about the biomechanics of the body or anyone who wants to learn how to be more present.

Retreats are integrated body and mind experiences, the place to allow you to dedicate time for health and wellbeing.

Functional integration

In an a FI lesson, the practitioner touch reflects to the clients how they currently organise their body and actions. Gentle touch is the primary means of communication and skeletal reorganisation

Welcome to a new way of thinking about health

Improving your relationship with your awareness

Target Specific Issues

  • Posture

  • Pain relief

  • Mindfulness movement practices

  • Movement difficulties

  • Healthy aging

  • Athletes

  • Performers

Try something new

Welcome to a learning opportunity.

Our integrated method utilize elements from different body and mind modalities.

Whether you are new to the Feldenkrais Method or have practiced Pilates or you are an athletic person for years. There is something here to enhance your quality of movement. Dive in and explore the possibilities.